Physiotherapy Telehealth/Video Consultations
PC Physio Orange offers patients the option of having video consultations with our physiotherapists.
Originally developed for our rural and remote patients to ensure proper follow-up and continuity of care to optimise rehabilitation results, it has become more important than ever given the current climate surrounding COVID-19. The utilisation of this service is crucial in allowing us to continue providing our services to those in the central west and rural regions who may not able to attend the clinic.
The use of telehealth through video consultations is very effective when done properly and many of the conditions we deal with at the clinic can be effectively managed through this medium.
PC Physio has an up-to-date privacy policy which applies to our teleheatlh consultations to ensure confidentiality, consent and that all medico-legal requirements are adhered to.
If you have scheduled an appointment via telehealth with one of our physios, follow the link on the right to visit the virtual waiting and your consult will commence shortly: